
We deliver smiles, personality, and even fun during EEG testing by offering an alternative to gauze & tape. Our goal is to create awareness and challenge social stigmas around epilepsy, support families touched by epilepsy, and give back to organizations who make a difference for this community.

We brighten the world, one hat at a time.

A few details of our mission

  • We donate 10% of all profits from our online store. As our sales grow so will our yearly dedicated donation amount. Check out our Awareness & Support page for details.

  • As a mother of a child with epilepsy and autism it was important to make testing less scary, and to make it a little more fun and relaxing. Children with medical issues have enough social and emotional trauma that can follow them through their entire process medical journey. Giving them some sense of autonomy is goal number one.

  • We know parents & loved ones of those with epilepsy can have tight budgets. We aim to be the standard covering for EEG testing supplies & materials. We dream to be able to do this without causing financial stressors for our users. We will work with foundations and non-profits so that they can purchase in bulk and donate them to their facilities. We continue to look into DME options, and strive to be an insurance covered item. It may be a long road to get there and we are ready to go all the way.

  • Our vision is to have a physical space in our local community that will be an open door to all providing resources, education, & community. It will be a safe space without judgement for those needing to speak and acknowledge all the hard thoughts and feelings that can come with this journey.

Let’s Connect!

If you’d like more information or have questions about how we can help your facility offer hats to patients we’d love to connect.

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